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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Denver City Council passes pro-immigration proclamation! Paul Lopez has a vision for Denver!

Denver, Colorado, is more progressive than I had thought.  I was surprised listening to the members of the Denver, City Council, as they considered a proposal by Denver City Councilman Paul Lopez, District #3, asking for the council to pass a proclamation asking the federal government to get on with the business of comprehensive immigration reform ( cir asap ).

Eight of the nine council persons spoke in favor of the proclamation.  They cited various issues including the need to give children of immigrants a chance to advance themselves and go to school, the need for undocumented workers to come into conformance with the law, and the responsibility of the federal government to solve this problem and not leave it on the backs of the states.

The lone dissenter was Jeanie Faatz who represents an affluent constituency.  She says she sent out surveys and 65% would oppose portions of the proclamation. 

She also said the majority of her voters would over-whelmingly oppose a measure which grants children of undocumented immigrants a chance at education, especially if it allowed them to get in-state tuition.  Ms. Faatz, and likely her wealthy voter base, cannot see why educating a child breaks the chain of poverty and helps keep youth out of prisons and trouble.  Such narrow thinking eventually costs the tax payers significantly more money than if the state had simply cooperated in the education of children who already are here.  The Denver Post reporter appears in the video above and his story on the event appears here.

  What would help Ms. Faatz is to read the proposed comprehensive immigration reform ( cir ) bill to be placed in front of the Senate.  The proposal resolves many of the issues she addresses, including border security, admission of future residents, and the specific path to citizenship which is not amnesty and is quite lengthy.

Paul Lopez is a dynamic leader who will surely help shape the future of Denver, Colorado, as well as the future of the State and lives of immigrants who live in Denver.  I am optimistic this charismatic Denver City Councilman continues his political career and continues in his leadership role.  Reform Immigration For America ( RIFA ) Reforma Migratoria Pro America

Lopez spoke, his voice revealing tremendous humanity within his soul.  He told us about two constituents, one who wanted to get a library card.  Since the youth is undocumented, she was not able to get the card.  As a student, access to books is critical in the process of education. 

The other person wanted to participate in the Denver Library seed program.  The library hands out seeds in it’s effort to support a green Colorado.  However, if you are undocumented, you are not eligible for something as simple as seeds to grow food bearing plants.  On a more serious note, an undocumented female cannot get treatment for breast cancer until she is nearly on her death bed. 

Paul Lopez, Mayor John Hickenlooper, including Chris Nevitt and the majority of the members of the Denver City Council, and Colorado Senator Michael Bennet, Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette have the vision and wisdom to know the solution to the immigration problem in the U.S. involves keeping families together, making sure youth have a chance at education and to break the chain of poverty.  Comprehensive immigration reform ( CIR ) resolves these issues in one package.  It makes ugly hate laws like Arizona HB 1070 obsolete.  Stand behind Paul Lopez, a true leader in Colorado!

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