They are organized
they are mad
and they
have a right to be!
You have to wonder what the legislature in Arizona was thinking when they passed HB 1070, a law that made it mandatory for police officers to determine the immigration status of anyone they suspected might be “illegal”.
Early arrivals to the capitol
A lot of people feel the intention was racist. I think it was, too. What I hope my Latino brothers keep in mind is it was an Anglo Democrat who vetoed this law year after year. It wasn’t until Republican Jan Brewer came to town, I mean office, the law was passed!
There were four major points
Schools from through out Denver participated
Some walked nearly all day
Meanwhile, there are marches, there are boycotts, there is public outrage, and there is more to come! Effectively, if you are Latino, no matter your immigration status, Arizona is a bad place to be!
So we march! That includes me! Because this is not just a Latino issue. This a patriotic issue. This can’t happen in the country I knew. When it happens now, I am going to stand up and be counted. When it comes to Denver, Co., there is one little me and a lot of other people!
Americans are wet backs too! Guess what boss, we are all Americans, including those from Mexico and Central and South America, but I get the point!
If you live in Maricopa County in Arizona, GET OUT NOW! Please don’t think every Anglo cat you meet feels the same way! Most of us don’t but we can’t control right wing nut cases like “Little Joe”.
We had a surprise today. Diana DeGette, Democratic Congresswoman from Colorado, stopped by to give us some words of encouragement! Diana says she thinks ALL children should have a crack at school and we need to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) Now!
Julian Ross, Executive Director of the Colorado Immigrant’s Rights Coalition (CIRC) danced a little jig during a spare second…
We had Edgar Niebla, a victim of an ice raid last week. Thanks for attorney Laura Lichter and the fast action of CIRC and caring friends, Edgar won temporary freedom in two days. They had planned to have him in Mexico in two days. We won one!
Edgar speaks about his crying mom who
watched him being led away…
Padres y Jovenes Unidos de Denver, Colorado, was a major organizing force. They provided some guidance but truly, the students of Denver, Colorado, put it together!
Julietta of Padres y Jovenes Unidos speaks!
Julieta speaks with her heart about how it feels to be profiled, about respect each of us must have for ourselves, about unity and about the ugly law in Arizona!
Let’s be honest. Would you argue with the chief of security? Even if what he says is not funny, it is funny, get my drift, Vern? I am sure this was a pretty good laugh for both of us!
We also had Denver Police in force. Our side was orderly and quiet. None of us wanted to shed a bad
reputation for the cause! The students understood this and behaved like future leaders, each making his own sacrifice for the benefit of the cause. That is a leader!
reputation for the cause! The students understood this and behaved like future leaders, each making his own sacrifice for the benefit of the cause. That is a leader!
It was a great time today! Something you don’t forget!
We made some points, we worked hard, we joined hands today in unity for a cause that is way past due for new legislation!
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