In an emergency meeting Friday night, a group of Colorado
immigrant’s rights activist decided to provide shelter to families fleeing Arizona in terror. Governor Jan Brewer signed into effect a law that makes being an illegal immigrant a crime and requires local and state police officers to detain workers whenever they suspect they lack documents. Those ascertained as being undocumented will be made available to immigration and customs enforcement (ICE) for deportation.
Meanwhile, Sheriff “Little Joe” Arpaio, a bully with a badge, has sworn to use the law to his advantage.
Free at last, free at last, ohh lordy, free at last!Sheriff “Little Joe” Arpaio can pick onLatinos to his hearts content!
"Now if we show they're illegal, we can actually arrest them and put them in our jails," Arpaio said.
“Little Joe’s” statement is ridiculous since he brags about detaining over 80,000 undocumented workers during his rein of terror as sheriff. If there had been such grand impediments to arrest and detention he would not have been able to ruin so many lives.
One can reasonably imagine the reaction of the undocumented community. Arizona has always been right-wing and anti-immigrant in their sentiment. Like Colorado, they begrudge medical treatment to needy workers unless it is “a life threatening emergency”.
However, the new Arizona law is so vicious it will strike terror in the hearts of grand mothers as they drive to the store. Entire families are destined to be harassed, ripped apart, and displaced. Employers will lose significant sums of money when their workers do not show up. Middle class fathers may want to re-think sending their kids to college since mundane jobs like washing dishes will pay significantly more than they did before. You can bet some of the Republican voting base that supported the law will be the first to bitch as restaurant food prices go up to cover increased labor costs.
None of this will change the Coyote business which transports 80,000 plus
Meanwhile, immigrant groups are preparing for the flight from the witch hunt which is surely to begin. Sheriff “Little Joe” Arpaio is not the only cop who loves harassing immigrants in order to grab headlines. There are plenty of copycats. Frankly, common sense says, if you are Latino and have not made arrangements to leave Arizona, now is a great time to call your travel agent.
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